The goal of this website is to provide members of Centralized Supply Chain Services, LLC ("CSCS") ready access to valuable supply chain and contract information to help them make informed decisions about their business. Much, if not all, of the information being made available through this website is sensitive and proprietary information. Due to the confidential and proprietary nature of the information accessible through this website, every user of this website must agree to certain rules and restrictions on the use of the information provided or obtained through this website. By clicking the "I ACCEPT" button you agree to be bound by these rules and restrictions. If you do not click the "I ACCEPT" button below then you will not be allowed access to the website. Members of CSCS may use the information accessible through this website for such member’s internal business planning purposes only and for no other purpose. Members agree to treat the information accessible through this website as confidential and otherwise not disclose the information obtained through this website to any third party who is not independently entitled to access such information. The member will take reasonable measures to protect the secrecy of and avoid disclosure of the information accessible through this website. A member’s failure to comply with these obligations could violate these rules and restrictions and could further cause CSCS to violate its obligation of privacy under contracts of CSCS, could assist other restaurant systems that compete with the Applebee’s and/or IHOP concepts and could, under certain circumstances, violate state and federal law. You agree to indemnify CSCS for all costs, expenses, damages and liabilities (including attorney’s fees and costs) incurred by CSCS for a breach of these terms and conditions by you. CSCS makes no warranty or representation with respect to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information that is accessible through this website. EACH PARTY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT SUCH PARTY USES THE INFORMATION ACCESSIBLE THROUGH THIS WEBSITE AT ITS OWN RISK. CSCS DOES NOT GUARANTEE CONTINUOUS, UNINTERRUPTED OR FAIL-SAFE AND SECURE ACCESS TO THE SYSTEM. FURTHER, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED, CSCS PROVIDES THE INFORMATION, THE WEBSITE AND ANY RELATED SERVICES “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. CSCS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT WITH RESPECT TO THE WEBSITE AND ANY SERVICE PROVIDED PURSUANT HERETO. CSCS may change, suspend or eliminate all or any aspect of the website at any time, including the availability of any service, feature or information provided through the website. You agree that in no event will CSCS (or any of its members, officers, directors or employees) be liable for lost profits or any special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with your use of the website or the reliance on data obtained through the website, even if CSCS had been advised of the possibility that such damage may occur. Further you agree that neither CSCS nor any of its members, officers, directors, or employees will be liable for any technical, hardware or software failure of any kind, any interruption in the availability of the website, any delay in operation or transmission, any incomplete or garbled transmission, computer virus, loss of data, or other similar loss.